Monday, April 28, 2008

Mixed Bean Casserole

I guess you can tell by the post title that this is another recipe. It's amazing how many of these recipes that I decided to share all seem to have a story attached.

I think that Ma actually got this recipe from me (and I have NO idea where I got it) but she liked it and then took it back to Wisconsin with her and made it her own. Life was good!

Then she made it to take to a church supper one time and everybody really LOVED it. It kind of became her special dish to bring to the church suppers. It was always, "Helen, you're going to bring your beans, aren't you?" And she always did.

Then her little lady friends decided they'd like to be able to make this wonderful dish for their families and friends as well, so it was, "Oh, Helen, can we have the recipe? We just love this casserole."

So, of course, being the generous, giving person she was, she was happy to share with her friends. But all of a sudden she started to notice that other dishes of Mixed Bean Casserole started showing up at the church functions as well as hers. It really kinda hacked her off. She told me, "If I'd have known they were going to start bringing them to church, I wouldn't have given them the recipe."

Personally, I always thought it was pretty tacky to beg a recipe off someone and then make it to take to a function that the first one always brought theirs to. Anyway, she said she just started making something else to take, so they didn't get Mom's Mixed Bean Casserole anymore.

But, I doubt that she'll be making it in heaven, so I know she won't mind any of you having it, and hopefully, when you take a bite or two, you'll think of her.


1/2 lb. bacon, cut up
1/2 lb. hamburger
1 chopped onion
Brown all together and drain off fat.

1 tsp. dry mustard
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup ketchup
1/3 cup vinegar
1 can butter beans, partially drained
1 can kidney beans, partially drained
1 can lima beans, partially drained
1 large can pork and beans, undrained

Mix everything together and bake at 350 for 1 hour. First 1/2 hour covered, last 1/2 hour uncovered.


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