Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Now, I realize that I'm truly blessed every day, and every way, so much, sometimes, that it's easy to forget how much, and actually begin to take it for granted. Seems like it takes an AWAKENING now and then to bring me back to remembrance of God's love, and how much He is there watching over everything I do.

Today started out a pretty ordinary day. We had our coffee, got up, went down to feed the horses, and of course, check on the baby kitties. We'd taken a box down for them yeterday morning, and by last night Mama Kitty had them all moved out of it. So, I decided to let her know that "No, we don't want the babies crammed behind the wood rails. We want them in the box where WE can get to them."

So, I moved the box out from under the hay feeder where it was, and got down on my hands and knees and proceeded to start dragging kittens out from behind the rails again. But, I only found three. There's supposed to be four, so I kept reaching further and further into the little nest where she had them, but to no avail.

Then Bill came back into the barn from outside with a kitten in hand. Said that Skipper had it and was fixing to bury it in some leaves. Now Skipper loves those baby kitties and I know he didn't get it out of the nest. He couldn't even get to the nest.

The baby was all wet, probably from Skipper's slobbering on it, but it was still alive, so I stuck it back in the box with the other three and then put Mama Kitty in there with them so the little wet one would get warmed up and could eat. We have no idea how long it might have been outside.

BUT, Mama Kitty REALLY didn't want to stay in the box. I even put some hay back in it thinking maybe she didn't like our little pile of rags we'd put in there for a bed. So, I decided I'd sit there with her for a while and encourage her to stay put till the little wet one got dried off a bit and could get a little nourishment. I was just half laying there and petting her to keep her in the box.

But, finally I pushed the box back in the spot it had been before, and figured I'd better just leave them alone. So came on home.

Well, we're getting some pines cut into poles from the place down there and Bill had to go back down with the paperwork. So he decided he'd check on the kitties again to see how they were faring.

Here's where the blessing comes in. As he was walking from the feed room to go into the stall where the cats are, he saw a funny looking stick right in the stall walkway. A little closer and he realized that IT WAS A COPPERHEAD!!!! IT WAS PROBABLY IN THE STALL WHEN I WAS LAYING THERE IN THE HAY PETTING MAMA KITTY!!! Luckily, he killed it, and brought it back to the house.

I was out planting gladiola bulbs by my big black rock out front, when he came riding up in the buggy. He told me, "You are so blessed. You have no idea how blessed you are." Of course, I knew I was blessed but didn't know what brought all this about, AND THEN HE SHOWED ME THE SNAKE IN THE BACK FLOOR OF THE BUGGY!! It was probably about 18" long or so, and definitely DEAD, but a copperhead.

So, "Thank You, Jesus for protecting me from being bit".

I've always heard that God takes care of little children, but He definitely takes care of His big, old children as well.

What a Great God we serve!

Till next time,

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