Sunday, April 27, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, finally!!! We actually went horseback riding yesterday - not for a long time, but at least my bottom was connected to the saddle for a period of time, and I smelled like horses when we got through. In my book, that counts as "horseback riding."

We just rode around the pasture for a while, and across the pond dam, and looked at the destruction that is now in part of the pasture due to having a bunch of pine trees cut down and sold for posts. Bugs were getting into some of them, and they were too thick to let the grass grow under them, and we desperately need more pasture, so this should help a lot. But it looks like the grapes of wrath right now.

But----- so did the pond area when we started clearing that, and look how pretty it is now. Anyway, we had a good ride, and it was a reinforcement that "No, I'm not ready to get rid of the horses yet." Every once in a while we talk about that, but after a ride, it's "No way." We just got to get out there and ride more. So, yeee-haaah! We're back in the saddle again!

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