"Happy birthday to me,
I'm now sixty-three.
But lookin' much younger,
Now don't you agree?"
Just sing to the appropriate tune. You'll get the idea.
Anyway, today is my birthday. I am thankful and grateful to God for giving me, not only 63 really good years, but good health, great friends, a wonderful husband who loves me in spite of knowing me better than anyone, and some of the best family I know. I am truly blessed!
Speaking of that wonderful husband. Yesterday, after church, he looked at the calendar and then said, "Why don't we skip church tonight and go to town." GO TO TOWN????? ON SUNDAY NIGHT??? I said you've got to be kidding. Anyway, he finally 'fessed up that he just realized that my birthday was MONDAY not Tuesday, like the outdated calendar he apparently consulted told him. So, he, being a typical male who leaves card/gift-buying to the last possible moment, realized that he wasn't going to have me a birthday card for when I woke up this morning.
He was in luck. He had to go to Poteau this morning early, 7:30, and since I was not really "up" yet, he said, "Well, your birthday doesn't really start till you wake up" so he figured he was in the clear in the birthday card department. We'll see!!!
I got the most ADORABLE card from my favorite sister. It has a picture of my little Tippy on it. I couldn't believe it! It looks EXACTLY like her. She could have posed for that picture.
Isn't that the cutest thing!?!?! And Tippy really looks just like that. I couldn't believe it when I opened the card.
My favorite sister called already this morning and we had a good visit. The day is sunny and beautiful albeit a bit chilly. 32 degrees when we woke up, so had a little "frost on the pumpkin", but I'm sure it'll warm up before the day is finished.
If Mom was still here, I know she'd be busy in the kitchen making me a birthday cake. I have a hard time making my own birthday cake, since I obviously don't really need cake in the first place, but she would always make one. And it was an Angel Food cake, "for her angel" she would always say. Of course, my favorite sister got "Devil's Food" - draw your own conclusions.
So, I thought a birthday recipe would be a good thing to add today. It's a variation of Angel Food cake that I made a couple of times last summer. Easy, delicious, and not to heavy after a big meal. Everybody liked it except #2 granddaughter, Lacie, for reasons best left unsaid. She knows what I'm talking about.
So, I'm posting the recipe in a separate blog and that way it will be easier to find. Enjoy.
I would if I was making me one for my birthday, which I'm not.
Till next time.
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