Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mom's Story - Installment #5

Well, I guess you are ready for "more of the story" so here's another piece of it. Enjoy!

When I was 17 in 1935, I came to Campbellsport to work for my Aunt Ann Jaeger for room and board and what she could afford. She needed help and Aunt Nell didn’t. Aunt Nell had kids as old as me. They took me to the Northwestern train to go to Campbellsport. Aunt Ann got me and I was there until I was 19 years old. She had 7 children and worked with Uncle Jerry in the garage. And she cooked for Jerry’s father – too much for her to do alone.

She got her gallon of milk for the day every morning at Alfred Howard’s farm. So every morning I would walk to the farm across the road and get the milk. Sometimes I would wait till he had some cows milked and the milk strained to put in my gallon pail. One day I asked Aunt Ann if that old man did the milking alone and she said that he had a son, Leslie, who worked with him on the farm.

Ann took her family to church and I went with them. One night during Lent, Les came into Jerry’s Garage to talk to the workers and Al Krueger said, “Ann’s niece from Marshfield is in the house taking care of her kids”, so I finally met Les.

He asked me if I could dance, and, as soon as Lent was over, we went dancing. We went dancing a lot We went together until my Aunt Linda wrote to my Ma. She needed me to work for her as she had a baby girl named Mary. So I was with her till she was able to do her own work. Then I got a different job at Mayhew’s on Bluemound Road.

When I worked in Milwaukee, I missed Les. I went with my two aunts, Gertrude and Margaret, to Eagles Ballroom to dances. When I got my Christmas cards that Mom sent me that I’d gotten at home, there was a card from Les, (as well as one from Rueben and one from Tommy). and I was so happy. I wrote and sent my address to him, and he looked me up one Sunday afternoon. We were so glad to see each other.

Les would come to see me almost every Sunday. When he got tired of driving to Milwaukee with his 1929 Durant, he and I got married.


Well, we'll leave the happy couple at this point, and continue the story next week.


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