Well, tomorrow is Mother's Day. I told Bill yesterday that it seemed so strange not to have a mother to call, or take out for dinner, or buy flowers for, or visit. I used to always send Mom a corsage for Mother's Day. I couldn't be home with her too often, favorite sister had that blessing, but I always called, and always got her flowers.
The first Mother's Day Mom was here in Oklahoma, I drove her home to Wisconsin to celebrate with the rest of the family. We all went out to eat together and it was really nice. We were in the midst of packing up her stuff for the move back to OK, so after dinner we went back to the house nad went through some precious mementos and cookbooks, and stuff, and everyone picked out what they wanted. It was fun, and sad, all at one time. We found that if we just didn't really think about it, we made it pretty well.
Then on Mom's last Mother's Day, (see the picture I took) we went to the Mother's Day breakfast that the men of our church put on for the ladies. That was the first time I ever had anyone be there with me since we've been living here. It was so nice to be there with her. Then after church, we took Mom's friend, Okla, who was a widow, and we went to Catfish King in Idabel for fish. Ma always loved good fish, and they have really good fish down there. Of course, this being Oklahoma, fish means "catfish" not perch or haddock like she was used to in Wisconsin. But it was good, and they have great hushpuppies, and green tomato relish, so we had a good time.
Last year I didn't go to the breakfast at all. Too sad to sit there by myself when Mom should have still been here. But I guess this year I'll go. They always say that time heals everything, and I'll admit, as much as I still miss her, I do much better these days. But that first year was rough, and all of you who have been through it, or are going through it, you know what I mean. You miss your Mom in ways you just can't fathom until they are actually not here anymore.
Monday I have to have a mini surgery done on my eyelid. I can hardly wait!!! I've had a sty in my eyelid since Apr. 20th, and it never would clear up. They always have before. Who knew???
Anyway, I went to the doctor on Tuesday and had it nicked to open it up and let it drain, but unfortunately, it didn't. The PA gave me a shot to deaden it. Right!!! Should have had a shot to deaden where she was going to give me the shot.
If you want to get a taste of what that shot felt like, take a needle and just lightly touch your eyelid with the tip of it. CAREFULLY!!! That's just the beginning. The deadening fluid that she used I do believe is a first cousin to battery acid. It burned big time! Of course, in ny innocent little peabrain, I was thinking, well, I can endure this so we can get this "thing" taken care of. (this thing looks like a BB under the skin right in the middle of my eyelid)
NOW, I get to do it all again, and then have it sliced open to boot. Take warning - NEVER let a sty go. She told me that if they haven't drained and cleared up in 10 days, they will probably have to be lanced. NOW I find that out!
STIES are for pigs - not eyes!!!
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