Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Loping - I Don't Think So!

Bill and I went horseback riding yesterday for about 30 minutes. That was plenty to help us realize that old age has definitely influenced our riding. We'd been wanting to take the horses down to the rodeo arena for about a year now. I wanted to try the loping stride, and have been afraid to turn Blaze loose out on the trail in case he decided he really liked it and didn't want to stop when I was ready to (which usually happens after about 4 or 5 strides.)

Anyway, we got down there, saddled up, rode them into the arena, and started off around the enclosure. It wasn't too long and Bill turned Big Guy loose and he started running/loping, going very fast! So, since this is what we were there for, I got Blaze running/loping/going very fast as well. That is a ROUGH darn ride!!!!! I was holding on for dear life, thinking, "I'm obviously doing something wrong, because this can't be the way to do it."

Now, you have all seen the cowboys on TV riding to beat the band down the trail after the train or the bad guys or whatever else they felt like chasing, and they make it look SO EASY!!!! I remember when I first ever went horseback riding back in the 60's, some of us went to a riding stable, rented horses, and all we did was WALK!!!!! I wanted to run like the wind. That's how you ride horses - fast!

Well, I guess those years are gone. After about three rounds in the rodeo arena giving running/loping/going very fast several tries, we both decided that apparently that stride is not for us. We really LIKE walking, fast walking, maybe a little light jogging now and then. On one of my attempts to "cowboy up", my left foot came out of the stirrup, so things got REALLY exciting for a minute or so, until Blaze realized that I WAS SERIOUS about coming to a stop. Believe it or not, I actually did another run just to prove I could, and that one was OK, but not that much FUN!! We want to have FUN when we ride. We don't HAVE to do this, so why do something and then not enjoy it?

So, we rode back out the gate, loaded the horses back in the trailer, and came on home. Believe it or not, my forearm is sore this morning from holding on so tight. So, walking is where it's at for the "old folks".

Till next time,

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