Friday, April 13, 2012


Bill and I will be married 37 years next Saturday.  Hard to believe, I know, but it's the truth.  We got married one week after my birthday in 1975.  And, my Dad thought we'd never last.  Actually the day that I brought Bill home to meet the folks, Daddy had gone to town to get fortified with a couple of beers before the "big meet"! 
 Guess he was really concerned with what I had brought home to the farm.

Anyway, THAT'S not what this is really about.  We were talking about the new little horse barn tonight at supper, and though he's doing the lion's share, no, make that elephant's share of the work, I did manage to get my hot little hands on a few boards, so that I can actually say, "I-eee haelped!"    Sometimes, just one other pair of hands makes all the difference, sooooo, that's where I come in!!! 

I said something tonight like, "You know, we've done a lot of projects together in the 37 years we've been married."  Some good, some not so good. BUT, the one that we always both think of when we're reminiscing about those projects is the time we brought the Franklin cast iron stove up the back stairs of the store when we were living above it.  Now, that stove was one heavy piece of work.  Bill chained it to a sled he'd built out of 2 x 4s.  Kind of a skid.  THEN, he attached a heavy wire cable to the front of the skid.  Brought the cable up the steps, over the porch floor and back down to the trailer hitch on our '75 Monte Carlo. 

AND, then the fun began.  Yours truly was driving the Monte Carlo while the big man was going to try to keep the stove upright.  No small task when you are trying to drag a stove up steep staircase.  All the while praying that the cable didn't snap, I started sloooooowwwwllllyyy, so very sllllloooooowwwwlllly pull that Franklin Stove that held 24" wood up the stairs. 

God was with us.  The cable didn't snap, the stove didn't tip over and fall on Bill, and I didn't drive the car through the south fence even though that was looking like a distinct possibility.  AND, we got the stove into the upstairs living room.  AND, then, after all that drama, we probably only used it once or twice, because it flat out cooked us out of the area.  Didn't know it could put out that much heat!!!  

Why we didn't have camcorders and digital cameras back then I don't know.  This definitely was movie worthy, but, alas, all we have are the memories and the re-tellings.  And I believe the story gets better each time.  :)

More next time.

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