Friday, April 27, 2012


Here's another blog that I started about 2 years ago, and apparently never finished.  So, read it with summer 2010 in mind.  :)

All gone!  No more horses!  No more nuzzling noses looking for treats!  No more horsey smell greeting us when we go to the barn.  No more manure to spread.  No more flies to deal with.  No more rides.  No more sore butts.  No more saddling, unsaddling, brushing, currying, shoeing, worming, feeding.  No more four-legged friends greeting you with excited whinnies when you FINALLY get there to feed them.  Yep!  The last two horses are gone.
Now that I read this, it's kinda sad.  It does look pretty empty down in the pasture when we go there to fish, but it was time.  We found them a good home - they were bought together, and I think they'll be happy where they went.  So, the barn stands empty, the grass keeps growing in the pasture, and our season of horse ownership has come to an end.  I almost wish someone had a horse or two we could board for them just to have them down there again.  :)

Other than that - it's been a hot bugger of a summer so far, and I'm prone to stay indoors most of the time if at all possible. I do get out in the garden to pick squash and peppers and lettuce, etc. but try to do that in a hurry-up-and-get-back-in-the-AC fashion.  The only time I want to really deal with the heat is fishing.  Or, swimming would be good, but haven't gone any around here.  I guess we really need to find a good swimming hole someplace close.  I had such a good time when our kids rented a houseboat on Lake Ouachita a couple years ago.  I could have stayed there the whole week with them instead of just the one day.  The water was like bath water, and I really hated to get out of it.  What a blast flying down the slide and splooshing into that beautiful, clean, deep, warm water.  Do you think I liked it???  Oh YEAH!!!!!!

Cookie's fixing to get a bath today as soon as my one piano student gets here and we finish her lesson.  They should have been here already but guess they are on the way.  In fact I hear them now so will finish this later.

And, I now realize that I never did "finish this later" so I'm just going to finish it now and post!

I'm finished!!!!!!  LOL

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