Saturday, April 7, 2012

Another Year Gone

How does this happen?  It seems like every time I get inspired to post a blog, I look at the last one and a year + or - has slipped by.  I don't know where it went.  It was here not that long ago, and, now it's gone.

Many things have happened this year I guess.  More probably in the last 4 weeks, but lots of good stuff nonetheless.  For starters, my 73, almost 74, year old husband worked on a cattle ranch most of last summer building fences, clearing stuff, putting up stuff, feeding cows, doing the hay thing, etc.  Every night he came home with not a dry thread of cloth on his body.  He lost weight, was getting pretty thin-looking, but like he said, "If I was ever gonna die from a heart attack, I think I would have already done it!"  Guess he's a pretty tough old buzzard for sure.

Then we had a wonderful visit with our daughter and her husband when they came up last fall.  Been a while since they'd been here, so it was so good to see them.  They motorcycled up one weekend, and then came again in a vehicle.  Easier to carry stuff that way and a granddaughter and her boyfriend came along so that made the visit extra special.

Then, if that wasn't enough, my nephew and his family from Wisconsin came down the week after Christmas for several days.  What a great time we had, and I think they did too.  We made music, played on the pond, and just had a lot of fun.

Here's a picture of the kids in the Pedalo on the pond.  They sure had a blast!!

And, now we've got horses again.  We bought one for me to ride - a beautiful boy.  I named him Chance because I kinda figured he was my "last chance" to ride again.  I've been NOT ready for a couple years now, but somehow the "horse-bug" has bitten me yet again.  HOWEVER, my last Chance turned out to NOT be the horse for me.  After a friend who can ride anything she gets on, and our granddaughter, Lacie, rode him, I was warned in no uncertain terms to "never get on that horse.  Never, EVER!!!!"  Too much horse for me.  And, I tended to agree.  He's a big fella - over 16 hands, and has a bit more spunk than I want to deal with.  I think Bill will be able to ride him, but "not I," said the duck! 

Chance and Bill - March 2012
Bill looks a lot more comfortable on Chance than I ever would.

So----------------- last week we bought my Pretty Girl.  We found her over at Big Cedar and I believe we are soul mates.  She is 15 years old, been there, done that, stands still, neck reins, stops, goes, and comes when I go toward her with a piece of apple or a treat.  Hey!  I'm not against a little bribery.  Whatever works.  :) 
Pretty Girl - April, 2012
This is my birthday present this year - a beautiful horse and brand new saddle.  What could be better.  As soon as she gets new shoes, we're heading for the trails.  LOL

So, that's what's been happening this year so far.  And, our poor little Cookie has a bladder infection, or kidney stones or something.  I feel so sorry for her.  She feels like she has to go potty ALL the time.  So, she's in panties with a pad for the time being.  Just because she has to go all the time, doesn't mean she's going to be going here in the house.  These little pads that Mom left in her dresser drawer have come in VERY handy.  Half a pad and little girl panties and Cookie is good to go.  And I mean that literally.

Cookie in her "panties"
So, perhaps I won't wait another year to write again.  I'm sure there will be many more horse-related stories coming so will try to do a bit better this year.

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