Friday, June 14, 2013

And, It Just Gets Worse

OK.  It's been ages since I've written down anything worth reading - at least by anyone other than me.  HOWEVER, our granddaughter just started blogging - again - thankfully, and got my interest kinda revved up again.

Last week was Day Camp at our church.  Day Camp is wonderful - 6 hours of non-stop activities for ages kindergarten through 6th. grades.  Then throw in about 30 teenage helpers plus a slew of adults and you have 180+ folks rambling around each day for a week.  The decorations are always great, the lessons, are great, the food is great.  It's a super time.

My part is minimal - I take pictures of about 1/4 of the kids each day for a mere 30 minute or less time frame, then edit the pictures, zap them into a pre-done slide show, and voila!  The show is presented at the end of the day - each day.  Easy, peasy!!!  This is when I know that I am getting a bit older than when I first took this on.  By Friday, I was sacked out on the couch in the foyer at church before the finale because I JUST COULDN'T keep my eyes open.  You'd think I'd been following kids around all week like my younger counterparts have been doing.  Nope!!  Just 20 pictures or so, and that was it!  Friday night I wasn't even worth being around - so totally exhausted.  So, you see, those sneaky little age increments DO make a difference - and I'm beginning to believe a bigger difference than I would have ever wanted to admit.

On Thursday, I needed our big wood cross that stands in the corner in the foyer for one of the pictures.  It was there all week with two jousting poles leaned up against.  Why you ask?  Don't ask!  Don't know!!

Anyway, Thursday morning I go to get the cross - AND - it's gone.  Sure - Monday I needed a crown that was right where I could find it on Sunday night, Monday morning it was gone.  Being used in the Bible lesson for the day.  Now, I'm not a total washout, so I figured - Aha!  That cross is probably part of the Thursday Bible Lesson.  Stands to reason.  So..... I zip through the foyer, down the hallway, and into the room where the Bible lesson is happening.  She has a cross all right, BUT not the one I was looking for.  When I asked what had happened to the one in the foyer, she told me that it HAD been standing right in front of the big pile of rocks in the entry.  So------- I go back to the foyer, looking in each class room on the way, looked in the sanctuary, back in the corner, at the pile of rocks, back in the corner, back at the rocks, AND do you believe - that cross MIRACULOUSLY appeared in FRONT of that pile of rocks in the time it took for me to look there, in the corner and then back there.   I don't know HOW IN THE WORLD I didn't see it - I had to have almost tripped over it when I made the trip down the hallway.  My excuse - it was THURSDAY!!!

BUT, the best part of the whole thing was - my good friend was coming out of the sanctuary door so I confessed my story to her.  SHE looked in the corner, looked in the other corner, looked at the rocks, looked BACK in the corner, back at the rocks then hit her forehead and said, "Well, duh!!!!"  Ha!!!  I told her, "NOW I don't feel so bad!!!"   We had a really good laugh over that whole mess - of course, blaming the entire episode on "Well, it's Thursday"!  Good thing, too.  Friday I was on the couch!!!

Now, it's a week later, I think I've recovered, and somehow caught a "nasty, summer cold".  Blegh!  Blegh!  Blegh!!  So, I will just 'blow' my way out of here, and maybe sometime in the next year or so, I'll get inspired to write something else.  Surely SOMETHING of interest will happen!

Perhaps, I'll write about our Branson Trip - only interesting to me, probably, but, one never knows, does one???

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