I know that sharing is a good thing. I mean, parents always tell you to "share your toys", "share your cookies", "share your space in the back seat of the car", "share your brand new sweater that you haven't even worn yet". Share, share, share! You get the idea.
Well, I decided to "share" something this week. I let Bill "play with" my cold. Yep! I shared all the snot, and sneezing, and coughing, and headaches, etc. with him so he wouldn't feel left out. I got it a week and a half ago (the crud that's been afflicting every person in the immediate world it seems like), and SUFFERED MIGHTILY with it. My nose ran, my stomach muscles and muscles that I didn't know that I even had ached from all the coughing, and I felt like cr*p. You get the idea. If you've had it, you know what I'm talking about. I ate chicken soup and crackers and not much else. It all tasted flat and crummy so why eat.
Anyway, this week Bill is enjoying the "crud". Now, I didn't really give it to him on purpose - although last night he seemed to indicate that it was entirely my fault that he was now feeling like cr*p. BUT, remember the sharing thing mentioned above. I guess that is deeply ingrained in my being and I just couldn't help myself. That, and the fact, that even though I was sick in bed on two chairs, I still had to do the majority of the cooking and "what little food we actually had" preparation. So, I suppose one of those virulent little crud virus bugs just happened to get into something he consumed. So, we're back to share and share alike. However, as I am now on the mend, I hope that he doesn't decide to reciprocate and share it back, because, believe me, I DON'T WANT IT BACK!!!!!! I've enjoyed all the coughing, running, blowing, and sneezing that I want to for a while.
HOWEVER, I did happen upon a neat little gadget called a Neti Pot. Perhaps you've heard of it. I saw it on "Live with Regis and Kelly" a few weeks ago, and actually thought it was kind of a joke. Then, in the midst of the coughing, sneezing, snotting, etc. last week, I saw a doctor on FOX and Friends News one morning listing the 5 top treatments for "the crud". And believe it or not, the Neti Pot was at the top of the list. It is really a help.
SO - - I decided to give it a try. Now, before I jumped off and bought one of these things I found this cute little old elephant tea pot sitting on my shelf that looked like it would work just fine. So, I filled the little guy up with some warm saline water and stuck his trunk up one nostril and proceeded to pour the water up my nose. And, lo and behold, I could feel it traveling through my sinuses behind my eyes, and then out the other nostril. That really got things moving up there.
After a couple treatments with the elephant pot, I decided to buy a Neti Pot if I coud find one the next time we went to town. The elephant's trunk was a little large at the end to comfortably fit up my nose. I did it but the Neti Pot works much better.
But, it DOES work. Clears all that thick mucus out of your sinuses, and makes it easier to blow out. I'm a firm believer in the Neti Pot. I really began feeling better as soon as I started using this thing. My head didn't ache anymore and I could keep my nose blowed with a minumum of pressure. So, that's my experience with the Neti Pot. It will stay in my cabinet from now on.
You can research it online by Googling "Neti Pot". You'll find a lot of information about it.
So, that's it for the sharing. Hope Bill gets feeling better. I guess he's going to stay in bed today. Perhaps that will get him back on the road to recovery. Now if I could just get him to try the Neti Pot! He's one of the sceptics yet.