I always wondered where the term "March Madness" came from anyway. Perhaps, it's from the fact that if spring doesn't hurry up and send old winter packing, we're gonna be REALLY mad. That's probably not it, but for you northern and eastern folks, I'll be you are ready for springtime. This has been quite a winter for most of the country. We seemed to have missed the majority of the winter weather conditions that came this way - just living right I guess. :)
Had a lot of fun yesterday. One of my piano students who I've gotten to be very good friends with outside of piano lessons came over after lunch, and we proceeded to explore My Space. She has a My Space account and for reasons totally beyond my control, so do I. Actually my cousin Daryl sent me an invitation and it said that I had a message from him. So, I go there, and in order to even find the message I have to sign up. Now, I probably need a My Space thingy like I need another hole in the head, but after spending the afternoon trying to get Kaitlyn's up and running and uploading pictures, and looking for her friends, I kind of got the hang of it. We had quite a time for a while and got a lot of laughs out of the whole process.
She was making a music playlist. Now, if you want to have a real insight as to how OLD you really are, sit down with a teenager and let them tell you the names of some of the music that they like. Or better yet, listen to a couple. Most of the time she'd tell me, "You probably won't like this one." She's right. But --- to be fair, I guess bluegrass and polka music probably won't turn her on
She added me to her "friends" list (after answering the question "are you SURE you want to add this person to your friends list" two or three times. ) I guess My Space couldn't believe it either!
I'm sure I'll be the only "gray-haired" friend she'll have on her list, but wait till I start adding some bluegrass music to my playlist. I found out that your friend's playlists show up on your page as well. She'll really love that!!!!
I told her that I was going to upload a video of her playing "Rockin' Robin" on the piano that I recorded last year sometime. She was using my computer so I actually got to see her e-mail address and password. So, I COULD DO THAT!!! I could, that is, if I could REMEMBER her e-mail address and password. That little bit of information seems to have left me, so as for now, her MySpace area is safe from the video. I thought it would be a real good addition, but you know how teens are!
Well, I guess that's enough about what's been happening around here. We both seem to be well finally. Sure been a rash of "the crud" going around. My new little piano student is down with it today.
Till next time.
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