Free-IQTest.net - Free IQ Tests
Well, I took one of those free IQ tests yesterday. Thought that would be fun. Not bad for an old person if I do say so myself. So, check it out and see how good you do. It's nice to know I'm not brain-dead yet. Sometimes I wonder. Especially when I get up and go into the next room, or up stairs, or outside, whatever, on a VERY important mission, and when I get there, I stand looking around wondering "what in the world am I doing here. I know I came here for a reason, but don't have a clue what it is."
Now I know that I'm not the ONLY one that his happens to. Many people have shared the same story, so this affliction happens to others as well. According to Bill Cosby, if you press hard on your butt, you'll remember. This is because when you go into the other room, leave that room and go sit back down, the minute your butt hits the chair you remember what it was you went after. So the trigger must be the butt pressure. Sorry, Bill. I've tried that. Doesn't work!!
I took Cookie along to the vet this morning to have her "anal glands" expressed. Is that not a term for pinching the poop out of her little butt??? Anyway, that's what we did, so hopefully that will last a while. Next Monday I'm getting her "fixed". We didn't really plan to do that but the vet told us that female unspayed animals have a much higher risk of developing cancer, and we sure don't want that to happen. So, after Monday, I guess we can refer to her as "it!" Ha! Ha!
Well, it's time to play throw and fetch with the munchkin, so guess I'll close. Do check out the IQ test and let me know how you did. They want you to sign up at the end with your name and address and phone number, but I didn't do that and still got my score so don't fall for that if you don't like giving out that info randomly on the web. Enough places we have to put it.
Take care,
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