Suppose some of you are wondering about the new picture on my Profile. I decided the picture of yorus truly holding Tippy was too hard to look at every time I opened up Blogger, so decided another one was in order. This one was taken when Mom's brother Stan and his wife, and her sister, Delores and her husband were here the June before she passed away.
Stan was playing his concertina and I was playing an autoharp and we decided to do a couple goofy songs (we're especially good at those) so we put on funny hats and acted goofy and I really wish I had a video of the whole mess. But this picture gives you a good idea. It was a lot of fun. I'm sure we were playing and singing something along the lines of "Good Old Mountain Dew" and "Out Behind the Barn" etc. Some of the good oldies.
This was taken just 4 days after I fell off my horse and cracked 6 ribs. They arrived two days after I got home from the hospital, so I was doing everything quite gingerly to say the least.
A friend of mine sent me a recipe for some DELICIOUS cornflake candy. I made a batch this afternoon, and my goodness!!! That stuff is SINFUL!!! Make it at your own risk. If Bill doesn't get here in time for supper, he may not even get any. I could actually make myself "piggo" on these things.
So, next post will be the recipe. You'll have to try it. You'll LOVE it!
That's it for this time.
Stories, happenings - some funny, some not-so-much - and general observations of life in rural SE Oklahoma. Also, some recipes that may tickle the taste buds.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
I Q Test - Free IQ Tests
Well, I took one of those free IQ tests yesterday. Thought that would be fun. Not bad for an old person if I do say so myself. So, check it out and see how good you do. It's nice to know I'm not brain-dead yet. Sometimes I wonder. Especially when I get up and go into the next room, or up stairs, or outside, whatever, on a VERY important mission, and when I get there, I stand looking around wondering "what in the world am I doing here. I know I came here for a reason, but don't have a clue what it is."
Now I know that I'm not the ONLY one that his happens to. Many people have shared the same story, so this affliction happens to others as well. According to Bill Cosby, if you press hard on your butt, you'll remember. This is because when you go into the other room, leave that room and go sit back down, the minute your butt hits the chair you remember what it was you went after. So the trigger must be the butt pressure. Sorry, Bill. I've tried that. Doesn't work!!
I took Cookie along to the vet this morning to have her "anal glands" expressed. Is that not a term for pinching the poop out of her little butt??? Anyway, that's what we did, so hopefully that will last a while. Next Monday I'm getting her "fixed". We didn't really plan to do that but the vet told us that female unspayed animals have a much higher risk of developing cancer, and we sure don't want that to happen. So, after Monday, I guess we can refer to her as "it!" Ha! Ha!
Well, it's time to play throw and fetch with the munchkin, so guess I'll close. Do check out the IQ test and let me know how you did. They want you to sign up at the end with your name and address and phone number, but I didn't do that and still got my score so don't fall for that if you don't like giving out that info randomly on the web. Enough places we have to put it.
Take care,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Listening to Bluegrass - Life is Good!
Here I am, listening to some GREAT bluegrass music on Sirius on our DISH. Nothing good on TV to night so I'm listening to music and blogging. I'm sure glad to find some good bluegrass on the music channels. There's plenty of everything else, but good bluegrass seems to be lacking.
It was beautiful here today - close to 70 degrees, but when that sun goes down, so does the temperature. Needed my heavy coat when I took Cookie outside a few minutes ago. I guess we're supposed to get some storms and more cold weather the next few days, so that will take care of the weekend. Oh well, that's winter in Oklahoma. If you don't like the weather, just stick around - it'll change.
Mike, my accordion student was here this past Saturday after the convention singing we had down at Smithville. We played through some new songs. At his last lesson, we recorded another song that he could post on U-Tube, so now we have two up there. We're going to try to do one or two each lesson and see how it goes. Last time I looked we'd had 363 views of "Coming Home Polka" so guess it's being enjoyed. When we get our high speed internet connection, I may get a U-Tube account and start posting some stuff as well. But, it's way to slow to upload or download at this point.
We're supposed to have our high speed system by February, but that probably means March. But, I do believe that it's in the works so soon - very soon!! Bill can't wait - he gets all these long videos and stuff from all his e-mail buddies (which he loves) but they sure take a while to come in.
Not much else going on. Two of our kittens have a new home now so we only have Mama Kitty and the little male. The first day or two she spent going round and round the house calling and calling for those two babies. So did the little one. It was so sad. But, we didn't need 4 cats running around here, and knowing Mama Kitty, she'll be back in the family way before too long. She's a wanton hussy!!!! But a good mama. I'll give her that. We have a cozy little cat house on top of the dog house on the front porch, so they are pretty content.
I'm getting a molar pulled this Monday, so am REALLY looking forward to that, but perhaps I'll be finished with my teeth for a while after that.
Till next time,
It was beautiful here today - close to 70 degrees, but when that sun goes down, so does the temperature. Needed my heavy coat when I took Cookie outside a few minutes ago. I guess we're supposed to get some storms and more cold weather the next few days, so that will take care of the weekend. Oh well, that's winter in Oklahoma. If you don't like the weather, just stick around - it'll change.
Mike, my accordion student was here this past Saturday after the convention singing we had down at Smithville. We played through some new songs. At his last lesson, we recorded another song that he could post on U-Tube, so now we have two up there. We're going to try to do one or two each lesson and see how it goes. Last time I looked we'd had 363 views of "Coming Home Polka" so guess it's being enjoyed. When we get our high speed internet connection, I may get a U-Tube account and start posting some stuff as well. But, it's way to slow to upload or download at this point.
We're supposed to have our high speed system by February, but that probably means March. But, I do believe that it's in the works so soon - very soon!! Bill can't wait - he gets all these long videos and stuff from all his e-mail buddies (which he loves) but they sure take a while to come in.
Not much else going on. Two of our kittens have a new home now so we only have Mama Kitty and the little male. The first day or two she spent going round and round the house calling and calling for those two babies. So did the little one. It was so sad. But, we didn't need 4 cats running around here, and knowing Mama Kitty, she'll be back in the family way before too long. She's a wanton hussy!!!! But a good mama. I'll give her that. We have a cozy little cat house on top of the dog house on the front porch, so they are pretty content.
I'm getting a molar pulled this Monday, so am REALLY looking forward to that, but perhaps I'll be finished with my teeth for a while after that.
Till next time,
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!!
Welll, we made it to 2009. It's so hard to believe that it's been 9 years since the big Y2K scare. No one knew what was going to happen and all kinds of scary things were going around. We were in Wisconsin for Christmas that year, and came back home just because we had no idea what would really happen at midnight.
We went to some friends' place for New Year's Eve and at the stroke of midnight the lights all went out. AND they didn't come back on right away, and it was like "Oh, oh!" And then they came back on. Tommy had flipped the switchbox switch for a short time. Pretty eerie for a while, all right.
Last night we went to a "singing" over at a little church just SE of us. This is the 3rd. or 4th. year we've gone, and we really enjoyed it. This year we actually went early enough to get in on the food! That's always Bill's favorite part of singings. Especially these singings where there are a lot of Choctaw Indians in attendance. The food is always really good and different. He ate about all night. A very good friend of mine who I used to sing with back in the 80's has started going to that church, so she was there and we did a few numbers together. It was so-o-o-o good to be singing with her again. I played the music on my accordion so that I didn't have to be sitting back at the piano, and that worked out OK, too. Different from what we used to do, but I think it went good. There were a lot of specials last night - so it could be considered a very good singing. We came home about 11:00 and made us a cup of hot chocolate sat in the living room and talked until12:00 midnight. Then we went to bed. No big fireworks display or "Auld Lang Syne" playing, but it was a very nice New Year's Eve.
So here we are - 2009. Cookie is losing her baby teeth - I found two more on the carpet in the bedroom this morning, so I guess she'll have "big girl" teeth here before long. Maybe they won't be as sharp and bitey as these little baby teeth of hers. They are SHARP!!!!
Well, that's the story of our big New Year's. Hope yours was fun and really exciting, but if you are like us, this was probably about it.
Till next time,
We went to some friends' place for New Year's Eve and at the stroke of midnight the lights all went out. AND they didn't come back on right away, and it was like "Oh, oh!" And then they came back on. Tommy had flipped the switchbox switch for a short time. Pretty eerie for a while, all right.
Last night we went to a "singing" over at a little church just SE of us. This is the 3rd. or 4th. year we've gone, and we really enjoyed it. This year we actually went early enough to get in on the food! That's always Bill's favorite part of singings. Especially these singings where there are a lot of Choctaw Indians in attendance. The food is always really good and different. He ate about all night. A very good friend of mine who I used to sing with back in the 80's has started going to that church, so she was there and we did a few numbers together. It was so-o-o-o good to be singing with her again. I played the music on my accordion so that I didn't have to be sitting back at the piano, and that worked out OK, too. Different from what we used to do, but I think it went good. There were a lot of specials last night - so it could be considered a very good singing. We came home about 11:00 and made us a cup of hot chocolate sat in the living room and talked until12:00 midnight. Then we went to bed. No big fireworks display or "Auld Lang Syne" playing, but it was a very nice New Year's Eve.
So here we are - 2009. Cookie is losing her baby teeth - I found two more on the carpet in the bedroom this morning, so I guess she'll have "big girl" teeth here before long. Maybe they won't be as sharp and bitey as these little baby teeth of hers. They are SHARP!!!!
Well, that's the story of our big New Year's. Hope yours was fun and really exciting, but if you are like us, this was probably about it.
Till next time,
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