Tippy Toes
Came into our lives May 27, 2007
Left this world - September 29, 2008
My baby is gone! I find it almost impossible to deal with the fact that I made the choice to have this precious little girl put to sleep, but I had to do it. I can't believe the strong attachment we had - right from the beginning, and it never wavered. She loved me and I loved her.
She brought so much joy to our lives. It took about a month or two before she trusted Bill enough to let him pet her. Every time he reached down to her, she just ducked her head. We've always wondered what kind of mistreatment she had at the hands of some man someplace. But, she finally got to the place where she knew that he wouldn't hurt her either, and then she was fine.
She'd sit in the kitchen when we were eating supper in a spot where she could see us both, and then look at me and then look at Bill and then at me and then at Bill to see who would cave first and give her something yummy from the table. (It was usually him) After we were all through eating, THEN she'd go to her bowl and eat HER dinner. Guess by the time I was clearing the table she figured out that treats were over.
She loved to ride on the buggy with us. She'd sit there with her ears blowing in the wind just enjoying the breeze. One time I took off a little fast, and she slipped right under the back of the seat and ended up standing in the back part of the buggy where the golf clubs would go.
Tippy was well trained from the time we got her. She knew to go outside to potty, she didn't mind baths - too much anyway, she was used to being brushed, and loved being held. Wherever was, was her favorite place to be. If I was at my desk, she was underneath at my feet. If I was playing the piano, she was there under the piano bench. If I was playing my accordion or autoharp, she was under my chair. If I went in to talk to Bill in his "wild room", pretty soon here she came and laid down where I was sitting.
The past couple of months she started going downhill. I never knew how old she was, so blighfully convinced myself that she was probably only 9 or 10. Still several good years in her. But she got a sinus infection so I took her to the vet. After checking her over, he told me that she was old! Probably 12 - 13 and maybe older. Then I knew that her days were numbered. He also told me that she was virtually blind in both eyes - one I think a little bright light would make it through judging from all the wincing she did when she got outside in the sun. The other was completely sightless. Then it made sense why she fell down the staircase a few weeks before that. She couldn't see the steps and just missed one - she rolled all the way to the bottom.
The last couple of weeks really saw her condition deteriorate, but I had such a hard time making the phone call to set up an appointment with the vet. I know she was hurting, and not a happy little dog like she used to be, but I couldn't face my life without her in it. But sometimes we have to make the hard decision, and after asking God to show me what was the right thing to do, I know it was for the best. I watched her all day Sunday, and it seemed like everything said, "I'm ready to go." She couldn't even come in the house across the threshold without stumbling and falling.
The reason we even came to have her was that someone from Oklahoma City brought her down her to our church in a pet carrier and left her under the drive-thru with a note reading: "Please give a good home. Owner had to go to a rest home. Her name is Tippy Toes." They will never know what a precious little bundle of joy they discarded. But, I tried to give her a good home, and I hope that her last year and four months was happy. I know my life has been made infinitely richer from having her in it.
I'll always love my Tippy Toes. She's resting in our front yard in a nice wooden box that Bill built for me to bury her in. She deserved a good home in death as well.
Sadly and with a big hole in my heart I bid farewell to my precious Tippy.
Tippy's Mama
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