I gotta tell you about my VBS skit. It was so-o-o-o much fun. Of course, when you are playing an "old, snooty, past-tense actress" who still feels she has it all to offer, and is still beautiful besides, how can you go wrong with a part like that. Nothing was too much when it came to the lines and the actions. The kid who played the director was only about 14 or 15 but he really looked the part.
He had the "California director" shirt, shades, cap on backwards, and a pretty good "attitude" for a kid. We had a real good time getting ready each day for our "performance". I was supposed to dress in a "long, slinky" gown, sunglasses, and of course, a long blonde wig. Well, the wig and the sunglasses weren't too much of a problem, but the long slinky gown was not to be found. Now, I'm not saying I don't have any long slinky gowns. I have had a few of that sort in my day, but NONE of them have grown along with me. I've always said, "Eating makes my clothes shrink", and they have done so - badly!!! I actually think my ribs have even grown.
Anyway, since long and slinky wasn't going to work, I settled for "long and flowing (baggy, actually)". Mom had a really pretty blue caftan-type thing that was actually too long for her, so I've had it in my closet since I cleaned out hers. With that and a
Here's a picture of my get up. Actually, you can't see the layers of jewelry that I also wore along with a different colored feather boa each day, but you get the idea. I think every long gold necklace I had in my jewelry box was worn that week. And at least 3 or 4 bracelets per arm. Trust me, I was a sight. But, needless to say, we had a lot of fun - I had great lines that were really funny. And, got sprayed with silly string 4 out of the 5 days because the boys kept answering more Bible questions than the girls did. Only thing I can figure, is there were a lot more boys in attendance than girls. Otherwise, we KNOW who would have answered the most questions.
Everyday, as soon as the program was over, I would start memorizing the lines for the next day. Actually managed to get them all learned, so I didn't have to rely totally on the teleprompter they had set up. Good thing, too, because one day it totally failed.
Needless to say, it was quite a week, and on the last day, when we were going in for the final skit presentation, the little director kid gave me a big hug, and said he really enjoyed the week, and "Maybe we can do it again next year."
Maybe. Who knows. Perhaps I've FINALLY been discovered!!!!!
Take care,
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