One of my piano students brought me a Christmas gift - a candle and smelly-good scent for me a a Santa hat for Cookie. I put it on her and put her in this little wooden sleigh we have sitting under the Christmas tree and then started taking pictures. I really didn't think she'd stay in the sleigh but she did for all the pictures we wanted to take.
Here's how she look

We have it on good authority (our Granddaughter Mistie) that Oreo Cookie is the cutest dog in the world. Of course, we agree - not that we're in the least biased. But really!! Isn't she precious??? She lost her first tooth today so I guess she'll be getting big dog teeth pretty soon. I don't know how they will look in that tiny little mouth but I guess they'll work out OK.
Our church Christmas program went really well this year and was one of our best. It involved basically our entire Sunday School - each class had a special piece of the program so that was a lot of folks. It all went good and took a minimum of rehearsal time so that was a plus as well.
Don't know what we'll do next year to come up to this one. But I say that every year and every year we have a really good program, so I'm sure next year will be the same.
Elicia and her family were here for Christmas and just left for home this afternoon, so we had a lot of fun. Learned a new game, "Settlers of Catan". I played it at friends' house after Thanksgiving and really liked it, so I bought one for me, and while the kids were here we played a couple rounds. It's a good game - strategy and dumb blind luck all involved, but is a lot of fun.
Granddaughter Lori made a gingerbread Christmas tree and trimmed it all up, and I made a batch of "My Favorite Molasses Cookies" for her 'cause she told me she'd never had homemade gingerbread cookies. How sad!!! So I just made her a batch. I think they liked them OK because they were about gone today.
Bill got me an Oogah horn for my buggy as well as some flannel lined jeans and wool socks. I'm not going to freeze this year when it gets cold. I got him a pair of aluminum ramps so he can load the buggy in the back of the pickup when we want to take it someplace, and then I got him some warm clothes, and a couple signs for the barn, so we had a very good Christmas.
Hope everyone reading this had a very happy day and enjoys a great 2009.
Till next time.