Monday, March 31, 2008

First Post

Well, this is my first post. Hopefully, things will be easier after I really get this all set up.

I wanted to do this for friends and relatives who knew my Mom, especially. She moved down here from Wisconsin in 2005 to live with us. She was 86 at the time, and my sister and I decided she didn't need to be in that big farm house in Wisconsin by herself any longer. So, we moved her to Oklahoma.

We had a lot of fun while she was here. She loved to bake and was always making cookies. Believe me, Bill misses those cookies because apparently I didn't inherit the "cookie" gene. My homemade cookies are few and far between.

Mom came here complete with her recipe books and all of her love and wisdom. While she was here, a lady who was taking piano lessons from me encouraged her to write her life's story down. She didn't think that she had much of a story to tell, but as you will see, she really did.

I thought it would be fun to post her story for you all to read a bit at a time. I'll try to tag each entry some way so that you will be able to find the installments easily.
Our pastor's wife has started doing some bookbinding, so with her help, I'm going to make up a few copies of Mom's story for my sister and niece and nephew. I think they will enjoy having the "real" thing. Sorry. The rest of you get a "blog" copy.

Now, that's what got me started on this project. I also thought I'd start sharing some really good recipes that I've found over the past few months. I'm sure you all have loads of recipes as well, but if you are like me, there's always room for one more good one to try. I'll tag the recipes as well, so that you can find them, too.

Of course, I keep saying I'm going to tag all this stuff to make it easier to find, and right now, I don't have a clue as to how that's going to be accomplished, but I'm sure I'll figure something out before I get around to sharing this with all of you.

So, that's it for now, and let the posting begin!!!